Category: Emotions

7 Signs It May Be Time To See A Child Therapist

When confronted with a child’s challenging behavior, anxiety, or intense emotional responses, conscientious parents are often left wondering whether their child is experiencing just “normal growing pains” or something that requires a little more attention. For parents of children over the age of 5, what’s considered abnormal may be harder to distinguish. In the first […]

Don’t Psychoanalyze Me! Reducing The Stigma Of Psychotherapy and Mental Health

Without fail, when out at a party or social function, many people have fairly typical responses to learning that I am a psychologist. While a small minority might have an issue that they immediately want to share with me (which does not bother me because I love my work and am happy to help), many […]

4 Simple Steps To Improve Your Self-Talk To Reduce Anxiety and Depression

There are some common things that I hear from clients in the therapy room that tend to contribute to the perpetuation of anxiety and depression, and I want to provide a little relief to those of you who struggle with anxiety or depressive symptoms, whether you are in therapy or not.  Language is very important […]