Category: Group Therapy

Growth & Connection: The Transformative Power of Group Therapy

Why do people seek therapy? There are many answers to this question, but generally speaking, there are several common themes: they want to understand themselves better; they want coping skills and ways to relieve stress; they wish to improve their relationships, including their relationship with themselves; and they want help navigating life’s challenges. While individual […]

5 Tips For The Best Video Therapy Sessions During COVID-19 and Beyond

After several weeks of staying at home, millions are out of work. Those who are able to work from home are also dealing with challenges. So many of us are feeling a wide range of emotions, many of them difficult. Fear, frustration, anxiety and feeling stir crazy are among those that I’ve heard repeatedly from […]

Nashville Psych Offers Professional Development For New & Veteran Therapists

“Heal the healer” is a commonly used phrase to refer to helpers’ need for consistent self-care practices. This is, of course, true for psychotherapists. In order to provide the best care to clients, therapists must ensure that they are taking care of themselves and nurturing their own growth. Along those lines, Nashville Psych founder Dan […]