Posts tagged as: Emotions

Don’t Psychoanalyze Me! Reducing The Stigma Of Psychotherapy and Mental Health

Without fail, when out at a party or social function, many people have fairly typical responses to learning that I am a psychologist. While a small minority might have an issue that they immediately want to share with me (which does not bother me because I love my work and am happy to help), many […]

4 Simple Steps To Improve Your Self-Talk To Reduce Anxiety and Depression

There are some common things that I hear from clients in the therapy room that tend to contribute to the perpetuation of anxiety and depression, and I want to provide a little relief to those of you who struggle with anxiety or depressive symptoms, whether you are in therapy or not.  Language is very important […]

7 Simple & Effective Ways To Manage Anxiety

Anxiety can be overwhelming and difficult to manage. However, there are simple and effective strategies that can help you manage your anxiety. According to the American Psychological Association, “anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure.” While anxiety is normal, many individuals experience excessive amounts […]

How Parents Can Support Teenagers With Depression

Offering support and guidance to adolescents who appear to be suffering from depression can be challenging for parents. In many life circumstances, children rely on parents for the transfer of knowledge, but knowledge about managing emotions and mental health issues can be a different animal. Many parents do not know where to begin. How Many […]