The Extraordinary Power of Meditation for Anxiety

The Extraordinary Power of Meditation for Anxiety

Among the many healthy coping skills recommended to help manage stress and anxiety, meditation stands out for its accessibility, portability, and long-lasting rewards. Meditation has been utilized for thousands of years and many studies have shown it to have a positive impact on psychological well-being.  

Meditation, while known for its general benefits, is often misunderstood. For those struggling with anxiety who have no experience with meditation, the practice can sound intimidating. The idea of sitting in silence with one’s anxious thoughts for an extended period of time can feel overwhelming. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a painstaking process – and the benefits greatly outweigh any initial discomfort. 

Here are some of the extraordinary advantages of a meditation practice:

Stress Reduction and Relaxation

Millions of people are affected by chronic stress, which can lead to multiple health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and even cardiovascular disease. One of the most well-known benefits of meditation is its help with reducing stress. When we meditate, our body naturally lowers the primary stress hormone, cortisol, which helps ease the effects of stress. 

A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that people who practice “mindfulness meditation” exhibit a notable decrease in cortisol levels, compared to people who do not habitually meditate. Lowering stress and allowing your body to relax are key first steps to better overall mental and physical health and well-being.

Alleviation of Anxiety and Depression

Like stress, meditation can help alleviate and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression can manifest in a continuous cycle of negative thoughts and feelings toward oneself or toward one’s circumstances. Meditation helps break this cycle of negativity by encouraging a focus on the present moment, which aids in detaching from hurtful or distressing thoughts. 

Rather than believing every thought that comes into consciousness, meditation helps train the brain to notice thoughts as they come and go. By observing what the mind is doing, it can help give less power to negative thoughts and help start the process of reframing unhelpful thoughts. Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation in managing symptoms of anxiety and depression, even comparing its positive impact to that of an antidepressant medication. 

Enhanced Emotional Health

In addition to effectively mitigating stress and anxiety, meditation promotes a more positive outlook on life as a whole. It can help foster emotional resilience, allowing us to better handle life’s unknowns and twists and turns. 

A review of empirical studies on the topic showed that mindfulness meditation habits directly correlate with increased levels of positive emotion and a decrease in negative thought patterns. Those who regularly meditate report enhanced feelings of contentment, balance, and ability to cope with negative life events and feelings without overwhelming themselves. 

Improved Focus and Cognitive Function

If the emotional benefits of meditation aren’t enough, meditation also helps enhance a person’s cognitive function, particularly in the areas of attention and concentration. Today, it is increasingly more difficult to maintain concentration. We have become conditioned to having very short attention spans. For those on social media, we have been essentially “trained” to only pay attention to content for a few seconds before moving on to the next video or post. 

Meditation helps retrain the brain to stay present, focus on the new, and resist the impulse to shift to unproductive or negative thoughts. According to a study published by the University of California, Santa Barbara, mindfulness meditation participants showed improved memory and enhanced attention spans. Both are vital to personal and professional development and aid in completing tasks and staying focused, even when it is difficult. 

Better Sleep Quality

Sleep disorders are also becoming more common and are another side effect of chronic stress and anxiety. Meditation helps promote healthy sleep habits by promoting relaxation, teaching us to quiet our mind and reducing negative self-talk and thoughts that can keep us awake. 

Those who regularly meditate are shown to have improved sleep quality and fewer struggles with insomnia, bringing about a state of deeper and more rejuvenating sleep. 

Practical Approaches to Meditation

For those who are new to meditation and unsure where to start, try your best to resist the temptation to give up when it feels like you aren’t doing it right. Start small by focusing on your breathing or what you are experiencing in the here and now. This can be a great way to start with minimal pressure. 

Meditation can be done anywhere, from your bedroom to your backyard or in the car, and you don’t need any special equipment to get started. Guided meditations can also be found online or via apps to help you on your journey, and in-person meditation classes can also be found in most cities.

We recommend starting small and expanding. Perhaps you can dedicate five minutes of your time to start, either at the beginning of the day or when you wind down before sleep. The key, however, is consistency. Once you successfully turn daily meditation into a habit, you are well on your way to improved mental well-being. 

Mental Health Journey

We are here to help, if you are looking for some extra support and resources on your journey to wellness. We are committed to helping you and your loved ones take the steps to improve mental health. If you or anyone you know is looking for a therapist, we invite you to reach out to our client care team by scheduling a quick consult, emailing us at, or giving us a call to see if we might be a good fit for your unique needs. If we can’t help, we will gladly share some resources with you to help you on your journey.